WP Gutenberg is a website that revolves around the new Gutenberg Editor that is soon going to be merged into the WordPress core with the release of WordPress 5.0.
We carry the ultimate objective to provide accurate news & updates, quality tutorials, tips, hacks and other Gutenberg resources to help the Gutenberg Editor users of all levels.
WP Gutenberg has specially come in to service as a One-Stop Source covering everything related to the sensational Gutenberg Editor. Here, we provide you with all the latest news and updates on Gutenberg. Not only these, we tend to provide you with the information on Gutenberg blocks and resources to help you get started.
Also, we’re here to feature a wide collection of Gutenberg-ready WordPress themes and plugins once they start to roll in. All of this hard work is being put in to ease your search on the Gutenberg editor. WP Gutenberg also collects the community voices about the Gutenberg and present to you as there are always new updates and news regarding the Editor.
In short, WP Gutenberg is the ultimate one-stop solution if you’re thinking to get started with Gutenberg editor. We will provide you with:
- The latest and hottest Gutenberg News and Updates
- The Gutenberg-Ready WordPress Themes
- The Gutenberg-Ready WordPress Plugins
- Submission of Gutenberg-Ready WordPress Themes and Plugins
- Quality Gutenberg Tutorials, Tips and Hacks for users of all levels
Subscribe to our website to stay Up-To-Date on the important Gutenberg news and updates!